
The Best Trader Joe’s Organic Wine

Last night I had the best night. Andrew and I went to our favorite little private beach and had a bonfire dinner. Yup – that’s my definition of a perfect evening.

A few days before this, I was at Trader Joe’s (basically the only place I love grocery shopping) and saw this Organic Burbon Barreled wine that one of the TJ employees was re-stocking.

Now, obviously because the bottle was ‘organic’ I wanted to try this. I’ve been super into testing the organic wines lately because they don’t have all the Histamines and sulfate chemicals that regular wine has that leaves you with a stuffy nose or headache.

This wine was The Barrel Heist Cabernet Vintage 2019

In all honesty, I was planning on this wine not having much flavor since a lot of the organic wine I’ve had in the past seemed to have less flavor than ‘regular’ wine.

But I was pleasantly surprised by The Barrel Heist Cabernet Vintage 2019. – YAY

Since it is Burbon Barreled, it is perfect for a cozy night activity or just chillin around the house 

Let me know if you try this wine!! Screenshot it on your Instagram stories and tag me @itschristybarre

